Patagonia February 2019
Hi Folk
I'm very excited about planning a week and or two weeks fly fishing trip to anew location in Patagonia.
Many more things to do, so non-fishers are welcome, should the spouse want to join you. The Tres Rios Lodge in Puerto Montt is beautiful. The accommodations look fantastic.
Meal menus are diverse and offer special diet plans. We will fish many different waters. packages that allow for travel, and staying at cabins, to enjoy the fishing for more then one day.
That means less travel time taking up the fishing time. This lodged is laid back and not as ridged as others with regards to the clock. We can start fishing as early as we want. We can fish longer and dine later.
Level of experience is not an issue. I teach fly fishing and can help those who need instruction. Booking the first two weeks in February. Some of you may only want to go for a week and that's great.
Pricing and itinerary's to follow, should you be interested, and you can send this your friends, that might want to go
Please do not procrastinate, we ran out of spaces quickly, last year, so text, call, or email anytime

I've also got dates still available in June and July for guiding on the Farmington and the Swift
Marla Blair
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