Light Olive Nandu Golden Olive Nandu Orange Copper Nandu
Brown Rusty Nandu Black Chocolate Nandu Purple Provocation Nandu
Fluerne er fremstillet i følgende mønstre:
- Light Tan Nandu
- Light Copper Nandu
- Brown Tan Nandu
- Green Olive Nandu
- Light Olive Nandu
- Golden Olive Nandu
- Orange Copper Nandu
- Brown Rusty Nandu
- Black Chocolate Nandu
- Purple Provocation Nandu
Fluerne er opbygget efter:
- Grundlæggende i størrelse seks og med Tiemco saltvandskroge - anden størrelse efter ønske laves gerne.
- Halen er lavet af fibre fra hanehackler.
- Kroppen er lavet af dubbing - Ice Dub, STF Dub eller SLF Dub.
- Der er anvendt guld tinsel, fine, til rib.
- Palmerhackle af Nandu fjere.
- Der er anvendt sort bindetråd til hovedet - kan ændres efter ønske.
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Nandu fluerne kan erhverves for den fine pris af: kr. 15,- pr. stk.
Ved køb af 10 stk. Nandu fluer og derover, kan de erhverves for en pris af:
kr. 12,- pr. stk.
Fluerne sælges via undertegnedes firma Danish Seatroutfishing.
Ved køb af fluerne: henvendelse til undertegnede på
Bemærk: der tillægges porto/forsendelse kr. 10,- pr. forsendelse.
KYSTFISKEREN og Danish Seatroutfishing
Nandu Fly:
Nandu flies is probably best known through the skilful fly-tying and fly fishing
Nandu feathers come from bird emu, which belong to the family of birds within the species of ostriches. Most fly tieres and flyfishere familiar with the very live poultry from the general ostrich called Marabou or strudsehearl.
Nandu feathers are also a lot of live material, and it's in proportion to its size a very strong material. The material has the funny effect when you tie with it, it will fly to resemble a fir-tree. Try to fly at stake, so similar to the spruce branches of a tree.
The many small fibers makes Nandu flies extremely live. Musca pulsate always at the slightest movement of the line in the water. Nandu flies imitate much less all prey and by changing the colours, so you can cover the broad support for fisheries on the coast.
Nandu flies are not only in Mariager Fjord, but all places where coastal fisheries. The 10 designated patterns of Nandu flies on this page are all tested with success, but can also at will be composed of other color variations.
Danish Seatroutfishing has allowed 10 well-documented patterns of manufacture, which covers the spectrum from normal spring fishing, over the summer with clear water and night fishing,in the autumn and winter cold.
The flies are produced in the following patterns:
Light Tan Nandu
Light Copper Nandu
Brown Tan Nandu
Green Olive Nandu
Light Olive Nandu
Golden Olive Nandu
Orange Copper Nandu
Brown Rusty Nandu
Black Chocolate Nandu
Purple Provocation Nandu
(see the picture under the danish version)
The flies are structured with:
Basics in size six and with Tiemco saltwater hooks - different size on request made like.
The tail is made of fibers of hackler.
The body is made of dubbing - Ice Dub, STF or SLF Dub.
There used gold Tinsel, fine, to the rib.
Palmerhackle of Nandu feathers.
There used black Volume thread to the head - can be changed at will.
Nandu flies can be acquired for the fine price of DKK 15, - per. paragraph.
The purchase of 10 units. Nandu flies and more, they can be acquired for a price of DKK 12, - per. paragraph.
The flies are sold through the company signed Danish Seatroutfishing.
The purchase of the flies: contacting signed on
Note: conferred postage/shipping DKK 10, - per. transit.
KYSTFISKEREN and Danish Seatroutfishing