Straight Fly

Fly for Salmon and Sea trout


Note - English text bottom of the article

Straight Fly...
Undertegnede har i samarbejde med en udenlandsk fluebinder fået produceret en serie meget fine lakse- og havørredfluer på rør. Konceptet er, at fluerne er flot og solidt bundet med - og af gode materialer, samt det at prisen skal være konkurrencedygtig - og det er den!!!

Fluerne er lavet efter undertegnedes prototyper, herunder bundet af kvalitetsmaterialer og bundet på plastrør; med en kombination af inder- og yderrør i plast, som giver en meget flot finish.

Fluerne er virkelig flot bundet og de er fremstillet - indtil videre - i fem farvesammensætninger, der kan matche hele spektret inden for lakse- og havørredfiskeri. De valgte farvesammensætninger, gør at fluerne kan bruges lige fra høj solskin under laksefiskeri, til nattens fiskeri efter havørreder.


 Fluerne er fremstillet i følgende mønstre:

  • Black and Yellow
  • Black and Orange
  • Black and Green
  • Black and Blue
  • Black and Purple


Fluerne er opbygget efter:

  • Almindelig og allround størrelse, svarene til en krop af ca. 1,5 tomme.
  • Kroppen er af farvet tinsel, der matcher undervingen.
  • En flot rib af guldtinsel.
  • Alle fluer er bundet med en farvet undervinge og efterfulgt af en "længere" sort overvinge.
  • Vingen er reflekterende, der er behersket brug af flash i vingen.
  • Hacklerne matcher farverne i over- og undervinge.
  • Alle fluer har cheeks af Jungle Cock.
  • Sidst men ikke mindst, er hovedet flot afsluttet.

Kroppen med rib, er bygget på det tykke yderrør - der samtidig giver mulighed for at krogen kan gå op i røret. Hackler, vinger, cheeks og hoved, er bundet på det tynde inderrør. 


Straight fluerne kan erhverves for den fine pris af: kr. 15,- pr. stk.

Ved køb af 10 stk. Straight fluer og derover, kan de erhverves for en pris af: kr. 12,- pr. stk.


Fluerne sælges via undertegnedes firma Danish Seatroutfishing.
Ved køb af fluerne: henvendelse til undertegnede på Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.
Bemærk: der tillægges porto/forsendelse kr. 10,- pr. forsendelse.

Finn Nielsen
KYSTFISKEREN og Danish Seatroutfishing


Straight Fly...
The undersigned, in collaboration with a foreign fly-tying had produced a series of very fine salmon and sea trout flies in the tubes. The concept is that the flies are beautiful and solidly bound by - and for good materials, and the price that must be competitive - and it is!

The flies are made after signed prototypes, including bound by quality materials and bound in plastic, with a combination of two tubes (inner and out tubes) in plastic, which gives a very nice touch.

The flies are really beautifully bound and they are produced - so far - in five colour combinations, which can match the full spectrum of salmon and sea trout fishing. The selected colour combinations, making the flies can be used straight from high sunshine during the salmon fishing, for night fishing for sea trout.

The flies are produced in the following patterns:

Black and Yellow
Black and Orange
Black and Green
Black and Blue
Black and Purple

The flies are structured with:

General and multi-purpose size, the answers to a body of approx. 1.5 inch.
The body is coloured tinsel, which matches under their wings.
A nice rib of gold tinsel.
All flies are tied with a coloured under the wing and followed by a "longer" black over the wing.
Wing is reflective, which is restrained use of flash in the wing.
Hackle mediators colours in upper and lower wing.
All flies have cheek of the Jungle Cock.
Last but not least, is the head beautifully finished.

The body of rib, is built on the thick tube (out) - which also allows the hook can move up the tube. Hackl, wings, Cheek and head, is bound to the thin tube (inner).


Straight flies can be acquired for the fine price of DKK 15, - per. paragraph.

The purchase of 10 units. Straight flies and more, they can be acquired for a price of DKK 12, - per. paragraph.

The flies are sold through the company signed Danish Seatroutfishing.
The purchase of the flies: contacting signed on Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.
Note: conferred postage/shipping DKK 10, - per. transit.

Finn Nielsen
KYSTFISKEREN and Danish Seatroutfishing