Glenda Powell Guiding & Blackwater Salmon Fishery

Waiting and Wondering

 Kelt or Spring Salmon? 

New Course Dates for 2017.

How Much Does A Salmon Fishing Holiday Cost?

Waiting and Wondering.

There is a rhythm to an angler's life and a rhythm to his year.  We find ourselves waiting for the fishing season to open, waiting to meet up with our fishing friends again who we miss terribly during the closed season, waiting to try out our new gear that we got for Christmas.  Oh how we wonder if the new killer fly we so patiently tied at the vice in the darkness of winter will swim as we have expected and hoped it would. We wonder if we will catch the first salmon on the river we fish.  We wonder if we will see the robin and the otter that were there at the end of last year, and we wait with anticipation to wet our lines again.

The waiting for us on the River Blackwater is nearly at an end, and we are open for Salmon Fishing from 1st February. We wait patiently to see all our friends again, and we wonder if you will also be joining us at the Blackwater Salmon Fishery this year?

The majestic Munster Blackwater, waiting to be discovered.

Let us learn from Izaak Walton who said;

''I have laid aside business and gone a-fishing''.

Our opening day on 1st February is now full, as are all previously advertised courses.  We will be running two new courses with dates and details to follow later in this newsletter.

We look forward to hearing from you if you wish to book a fishing trip, holiday or go fishing for a day.

Sláinte an bhradáin  (Health of the Salmon Upon You)


00353 (0) 872351260

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New Courses for 2017.

Due to the high demand of our previously advertised courses, there will be two new courses taking place in May 2017.

1. Saturday 13th May. Spey Casting Course catering to all levels of ability. Cost is €150 including fishing and lunch. Maximum 6 participants,

2. Saturday 27th May. Low Water Salmon Fishing Course.  This course is not suitable for beginners.  This course will focus on techniques for low water such as; stripping micro trebles and large flies, nymphing for salmon and furrowing flies.  Cost is €150 including fishing and lunch.  Maximum 6 participants.

I am also available for private tuition and guiding and here is a link to our pricelist

Kelt or Spring Salmon?

Above is a photograph of Noel and myself fishing on the River Drowse on 1st January.

The River is a lovely river and is very well managed by owner Shane Gallagher.

I am holding a Kelt, which is a salmon that has made it's way upriver and spawned.  This salmon should not be killed and should be returned unharmed. Please remember to record this catch on your log card of your licence before you begin fishing again.

It is sometimes not easy to know the difference between a Spring Salmon and a Kelt and here is a link from Inland Fisheries Ireland to help us to understand the differences.

Please contact Glenda on Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den. for more details.



How Much Will It Cost To Go Salmon Fishing?

2017 Salmon Licences are Available

This is a question that I am asked a lot.  How much is it to fish per day? Where will I stay? What do I need to bring with me? Where is the nearest airport.

The cost of fishing per day varies from month to month.  Our fishing season opens on 1st February and closes on 30th September.  In February the fishing costs €15 per day, and in August and September it costs €80 per day.  You will also require to purchase a State Salmon Fishing Licence which you can purchase from us when you arrive. The prices are below depending on which type you wish to buy.

The type of accommodation that you book depends on your own personal requirements and preferences.  Some people prefer the flexibility of self catering, others prefer a comfortable B&B, or maybe a hotel or country house.

We can help you with booking the correct accommodation to suit you and your groups requirements.

The cost of self catering cottages range from €400-€600 per week.

The cost of a B&B is between €35-€55

The cost of a hotel or country house is between €60-€130 per night.

Therefore as an example if we took two people coming fishing in May for 6 days fishing and staying in a B&B for 7 nights, including the salmon fishing licence it would cost a total of €1170.  The breakdown is €50 per person fishing per day, €40 per person for a state salmon fishing licence for the week, and €35 per person sharing for a B&B.

We also welcome people who wish to fish for a day or come on a short break.

The nearest airport is Cork which is 1 hour from Lismore and Dublin is 2.5 hours from Lismore.

If you wish to borrow our equipment then you are welcome to do so at no extra cost and we can also provide tuition/guiding and packed lunches for the river bank if required. Here is a link to our price list for fishing and guiding/tuition.

We would be happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding fishing, accommodation or other activities in the area.

We are delighted to announce that the 2017 Salmon Licences are now available and can be purchased directly from Inland Fisheries Ireland or ourselves. We have them in stock now if anyone needs one for an opening day.

Salmon Licence Fees

  • All Districts (i.e. all Regions) Annual: €100
  • Juvenile (under the age of 18 years) All Districts Annual: €10
  • One District, Annual: €56
  • All districts, 21 Days: €40
  • All districts, 1 Day: €20
  • Foyle Area Extension: €80
  • Special local licence: €24

We can't wait to see you.