The First Springer was taken on the Lodge beats today by ..............................
There were no rods booked to fish today & the weather had turned mild after only 2 days of a cold snap.
Glenda was going to teach on Upper Kilmurry for 2 hours, so I decided to accompany her & go for a cast for an hour or so.
I caught this 6.2lb fish on spinner at the Jole on Lower Kilmurry. It would have been released, but was deeply hooked and bleeding.
Interestingly, the fish didn't have sea-lice, so had obviously been in the river for a few days.
This could mean that there is already a reasonable number of spring fish in the river,
as we have had prolonged spells of high water & mild temperatures throughout January to encourage them to run.
It was only the first 2 days of February where temperatures fell to zero at night.
The river is already in excellent spinning order with clarity of approx. 3-4 feet.
At 0.78m on the gauge this evening, it would still be high for fly-fishing, but it is dropping steadily
& should be coming into fly order in the next couple of days.
To date we have four springers caught which is a brilliant start to the season as there have
been very few rods out on the river. It is one of the best springs for many years!
Above Second Springer. February 5th. Paul Howard - 8.5lb. Fresh but not sea-liced. His first ever springer on his first day ever on the Blackwater. Right Third Springer. February 5th. Ger McCarthy - 5lb. Two pictures of his sea-liced fish. Both were taken on Lower Kilmurry. Fourth Springer. A small very fresh fish was taken on the 8th. by local rod Mike Sheridan again on Lower Kilmurry. |
doesn't surprise me at all considering the high water & mild conditions we have had.
Fishing Syndication
We initiated a very limited syndicate scheme in 2010.
This was extended further in 2011 with membership for either the full season or just the first 4 months.
This scheme will continue for 2012, providing an enticing opportunity for those who are able to fish the Blackwater more often.
More details on this can be found on this link - Syndication
Book Early for 2012!: |
Bookings are coming in much faster than last year, so it is advisable to book early to ensure your place - especially for the prime weeks. |
Early Payment Discount: |
Book and pay in full now & benefit from a 1% per month discount. |
Currency Savings: |
If you're in a country outside the Eurozone, now is a good time to book & pay as the € is at a 16 month low against other currencies at the moment, particularly the £ Sterling & US$. |
2012 Prices: | These are now available on our website. |
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Where to meet Us
Glenda will be demonstrating & giving free tuition & we will have a stand :
Ireland Angling Expo 2012: February 11 & 12
National Exhibition Centre, Swords, Dublin.
Tight Lines for a Fishy New Year!
Ian & Glenda
Blackwater Lodge & Salmon Fishery
Upper Ballyduff
County Waterford
Skype bwlodge
- Ireland. Phone: 058 60235
From UK. Phone: 0844 202 33 33
International. Phone: +353 58 60235
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