SALMON JUNKIES DREAM TEAM - Steelhead Guides from BC
Two of the absolutely finest and best salmon and steelhead guides from British Columbia will join forces with Salmon Junkies and Austral River Lodge for the Valley of the Kings program in 2018.
Matt Moisley:
Born and raised in British Columbia, and fishing for as long as he can remember, Matt Moisley (Above right) is no stranger to salmon rivers. He started guiding over fifteen years ago on the mighty Fraser River for all species of Pacific salmon and the mythical white sturgeon. A summer position led him to North Haven Resorts in Manitoba where he pursued some of the largest pike in all of Canada. In fact, Matt still holds the lodge record for the largest guided pike! His next adventure led him to the world-renowned Dean River where he spent several seasons guiding anglers into steelhead and the river’s legendary Chinook. If there is river in the Northern Hemisphere that resembles our “austral river,” it is the Dean. Matt now owns and operates his own guiding company. When not guiding, he enjoys flyfishing with friends, snowboarding and traveling.
Kaid Teubert:
Some young men struggle to choose a career. But for Kaid Teubert (Above Left) one thing has always been certain: He was going to be a fishing guide. Kaid was raised next to the river and Pacific Ocean. This gave him the opportunity at a young age to perfect his craft within walking distance of home. A decade-plus guiding career has led him throughout the British Columbia province in search of the ultimate destination for ocean-bright Chinook and steelhead. Consequently, it’s not by chance that Kaid has made his home in Terrace, BC, on the famous Skeena River, where he spends the better portion of his year guiding anglers into Chinook and steelhead for Nicholas Dean Outdoors. The past four seasons, Salmon Junkies has had the opportunity to share many laughs and great days on the water with Kaid. Knowledgeable in casting and instruction, he is happy to help anglers of all levels. Kaid's personality, attitude and attention to detail — mixed with a little superstition (please don't bring a banana near him!) — are great assets to any fishing program and we’re excited to have both Kaid and Matt onboard.

Our experienced and hard working team at Austral River Lodge and the friendly Barril family, who own Austral River Lodge, will make sure you are feel home in the Chilean wilderness. Each member of our small crew knows their job extremely well and all are an important cog in a well-oiled and very cosy package.
Be sure you are one of the fortunate few to fish with us at Austral River Lodge in 2018!
For more detailed information regarding Austral River Lodge please drop me a mail
Tight lines
Steffen Juhl