Bastrups grønne "BG Green" - here tied by Kim Sørensen

BG Green was born on the bank of River Em in Sweden. Torben Bastrup tied and fish the fly the first time some years ago in River Em. He got 2 Seatrouts under 1 hour, both over 5kg. Since then we have fished with this fly many times and caught fish in Em - Mørrum - Skjern - Storåen

Here Kim Sørensen from Futurefly & Guideline is doing a version with Tanuki/Finn Raccoon as a small overving. Great fly 

Kim Sørensen


  • Tube: FF 1.85mm Black

  • Weigth: 4mm Fl. Red & 5mm Fl.Orange FF Brass Beads

  • Flash: FF StarFlash Gold&Green

  • Zonker Wing: FF American Opossum BG Green

  • Overwing: FF Tanuki Burnt Orange

  • Hackle: FF American Hensaddle Burnt Orange

  • Sides: JC from Breeding

  • Head: FF Ufodisc 6mm Olive

  • Tied step by step

    Kim Sørensen
    FutureFly & Guideline