Fishing Report, November 1, 2015
This will be our last fishing report of the 2018 fishing season. The Oscar’s Team would like thank everyone for the continued support throughout this season. It was a unique season from years previous due to dry weather, tighter fishing regulations and closures due to massive forest fires.
Even with those challenges, many of us was still able to hook into some big lurkers, had tight lines, lost a lure here and there, but most importantly had a good time with friends and family while fishing. We are already looking forward to the 2019 fishing season and the tight lines ahead. Tune in next year and fish on!
All rivers in our area are experiencing much lower than normal streamflow. We will need more precipitation to bring the water levels up to “normal” levels. What a difference from last year when we experienced some major high water. Until we get some more water, be very careful out there.
Fishing has been decent. The fish have most definitely pooled up at this point. Use a heavier sink tips and slightly larger flies. Water is extremely low and clear. Not a lot of jet boats seen on the river which is probably not a bad idea and should just be parked for the season at this point.

Low and clear. Fishing has been really good up higher. Some bigger fish caught in the Morice this year, which is encouraging.
The Kispiox is dropping again after it experienced a couple of bumps due to precipitation. Fishing has been challenging because of low, clear water.
Skeena has been fishing rather well. Low and clear as well.
Turnover on the lakes, depending on your elevation is either here or lurking. If going out on the lakes, try lower elevation lakes for smaller trout using an ultra-light spinner or 4-6wt fly rod with leech patterns or chironomids. Afternoon fishing is best when the water is warming up a little, but that is if the lake hasn’t turned over yet.
Each lake is going to be at a different stage of turnover depending on regional daily temperature, volume of water and oxygen usage of both flora and fauna. However, in short, it is almost time to hang it up for the ice-free season and start getting things together for the ice fishing season.

We will try to post some ice fishing reports this winter depending if we can get out of the shop or off the ski hill. There are a lot of opportunities locally for some fun and successful ice fishing. Until then, enjoy the remaining threads of the ice-free lake fishing season and see you next year.