Fishing Report, June 8, 2018
Submitted by Lee Mac
Hold on to your hats! This has been the theme this week on our coast. Hecate Straight has faced gale force winds (35+Knots) and unfortunately this means that so have anglers. The reports of people getting out on the water have been few and far between, but the anglers that have managed to get out have been rewarded.
Most anglers have used this week to get some yard work done instead of hitting the water as it is not much fun for anyone to be out in a gale.
The anglers that did make it off the dock have had some good chinook fishing and very good halibut fishing. Out of Rupert, anglers have had success in the Humpback Bay/Edye Pass area. We had a few reports of good size (mid 20's) chinook being taken on cut plug herring.
Trolling a spoon behind a flasher or dummy flasher setup can be very effective this time of year. AP Tackleworks makes some really great spoons and can either be trolled naked (no flasher) or behind a flasher to give it that extra action. We have also had reports of anglers doing really well for chinook down the Douglas Channel at Money Point. We have seen decent numbers of fish with most being in the 18-23lb range. One angler I spoke with lost an estimated 40lb+ fish to a sea lion.
It looks like the wind is going to calm down over the next couple of day so hopefully I'll have more to report to you next week.
We are going to be on the water for the weekend, so until next week.......tight lines.
Submitted by Pierce Clegg
Just finished a trip to Babine Lake where we noticed the recent warm spring weather has temporarily turned back to much cooler temperatures with a dusting of snow visible on French Peak. Even with this cool weather, both Stan and Anita caught some sizable trout and our Burbot set line efforts have been stellar.
The river is high, but loaded with trout still attacking salmon fry. We noticed the hatch was starting to pick up which means feeding is on! Little Green Stonefly Nymphs plus some Mayflies mixed in with spawning trout eggs means aggressive feeding and it is truly the annual feeding frenzy that cannot be equaled anywhere else in BC at the very least.

But even with all the fish action, the fishery itself seems quiet. I think a renaming of Rainbow Alley should be Ghost Town Alley or something like that. There have been very few anglers present and they are mostly the local cabin owners.
Every season, for at least the last ten years, there is a noticeable decline in usage, which means less pressure on the fish. I can’t say I am complaining, but it is interesting that such a fantastic fishery is so little utilized in this day and age.

But even with the cool weather, the fishing for rainbows in Rainbow Alley was good. Had some success with brown epoxy minnow that seemed to be their preference on floating line. That hatches will start to break out aggressively shortly, and hopefully the river levels will continue to slowly decrease.
But until then, all the best to you and yours and dreaming of another cast of the fly into some productive waters…