British Columbia 2018 - The Holy Grail of Steelhead and Salmon

This time of the year it's time to look ahead and secure your fishing trips for 2018. To hopefully make your planning a bit easier, I'm pleased again to offer THE prime weeks for all of my hosted weeks with our long-term BC. partner - award-winning Skeena outfitter Nicholas Dean Outdoor.
Join us chasing the largest and meanest Steelhead and Chinook in the world, in the company of some of the best and most hardcore fishing guides available – Guides who are more than willing to share their deepest secrets by leading YOU to the fish.
Imagine yourself airing out a long cast with your Spey rod on one of the Kalum River’s best runs for trophy steelhead, Or, try tackling the giant Chinook of the Skeena River, fish of over 60 lbs that can melt a reel with line spooling runs. All in the shadow of towering, snow capped mountains and untouched coastal rainforests, where bald eagles, grizzly bears and other wildlife still roam free.
Savor the gourmet, home cooked meals or share your day’s stories over a glass of scotch with a few friends as you relax in the comfort of the lodge.
Spring Fishing for Steelhead - A Hidden Gem:
Skeena is justifiably world-renowned for its summer and fall steelhead fishing. But perhaps the most hidden gem in the region’s treasures is the spring fishery in the lower valley tributaries and the lower Skeena river. Here, as the alders bud and ruffed grouse drum in the forest, fresh steelhead push into pools to join the nearly year-long run and the fly fisher has an opportunity to connect with what are often the largest steelhead of the year.
The relatively low flows of late winter and early spring give the fly fisher access to classic runs, riffles and flat-water glides that are typically obscured by the higher, glacial flows of summer and fall.
If you’re after the meanest, hottest, sea-lice covered Steelhead — you’ll want to be on the Lower Skeena and tributaries during this part of the season. These awesome fish average 8 to 18 pounds, 20 pounds is not uncommon and a world record catch is not beyond imagination (Spring 2014 Salmon Junkies long termed friend Franco Sirtori landed a Fresh Steelhead estimated to 29 – 30Lb).
It’s typical for even average fish to go on unstoppable runs, leaping all the way. These ultra-chrome rockets have left many an angler with shaking hands and wanting more.
“Seven rivers” – Our NEW Remote and Exclusive Coastal Steelhead Program for only two rods weekly:
The ultimate trip for the profound and committed Steelheader who likes a bit of sweat with their Steelhead. During 6 days you will daily discover premium fly-fishing Steelhead water with numerous holding pools in the most stunning scenery with an abundance of wildlife ever present.
If the idea of going on a wilderness adventure to target large, wild Steelhead in remote areas on lightly fished streams gets your blood racing, then our new remote coastal Steelhead package is what you’re looking for. The remote coastal wilderness Steelhead streams of British Columbia hold exceptional spring Steelhead opportunities located in the stunning fjords of the Great Bear Rainforest.
There are numerous streams that vary from medium sized rivers best suited for swinging flies with a small Spey rod to small, intimate streams where you can sight fish for 5 to 20 pound Steelhead and fish for them with a light switch or single handed rod.

Chinook – The biggest and strongest Salmon in the world:
We are very excited to announce that in 2018 we will offer the best weeks Chinook weeks again, where you will be able to fish Skeena mainstem and select tributaries also in a full 6-day package - in company of some of the best and most hardcore BC guides available.
In our search for some of the biggest Chinook Salmon in the world we target the Kitimat, Copper, Kalum and Skeena rivers for Chinook averaging 20 to 40 pounds and ranging up to 80 pounds, and beyond. (The Skeena’s biggest have been known to reach 100 pounds!)
The Kitimat is a small to mid-sized river with cobble and gravel pools well-suited to swinging flies. The Copper river is a classic, mid-sized fly fishing stream with miles of great swinging water and boulder and cobble runs. The Copper hosts a prolific run of Chinooks. The Kalum is a mid-sized river that holds fish tight to its seams and offers a chance at truly large Chinook.
Fishing for these powerful fish please make sure you bring extra and fresh backing on your reel!
What to expect:
Besides having the hottest, strongest Steelhead and Chinook around, there is so much to describe that is part of the total experience at the Skeena – For more info please check for more info and Videos from our programs in British Columbia
Steelhead and Salmon fishing on the Lower Skeena is unparalleled. Renowned rivers such as the Babine, Kispiox, Sustut, Bulkley, Morice, Copper and Kalum enter the Skeena above our camp and all fish bound for these rivers must pass directly in front of us before reaching their spawning grounds.
Only a day or two out of the ocean, at the peak of their size, strength and beauty, these are among the biggest and most aggressive Salmon and Steelhead on Earth. To hook one of these fish on the fly in the broad Lower Skeena is to touch the heart of the wilderness — an experience not to be forgotte
For more info please drop me a mail
Best wishes
Steffen Juhl