Look the fine images borrowed from Steffen Juul, Salmon Junkies



New Salmon Junkies Chilean Chinook Program — at — Austral Lodge

We are very happy to announce that Salmon Junkies has secured full exclusivity on the most renowned Chinook river in Chilean Patagonia.

Together with the landowner and family of Austral Lodge, beginning with the 2018 season — running January through mid-March — we will share this stunning fishery with a very limited number of rods.

Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock for the past year, you surely have seen the photos and heard the reports. There is an astonishing king salmon fishery now available to the adventurous, traveling angler.
Guarded by a maze of pristine fjords and spectacular, glacier-capped mountains in the heart of the Chilean coast — and boasting massive, chrome-plated Chinook — this river system is perhaps the most hyped destination to appear on the salmon atlas since the opening of the Russian Kola.

At Salmon Junkies, we watched carefully as news of this intriguing fishery spread across the globe. Needless to say, our interest was piqued. Today, we are extremely excited to announce that Salmon Junkies has secured full booking exclusivity at Austral Lodge and all-inclusive access to this remarkable but still-hidden fishery.




Since 2015, rumors of dime-bright, fly-caught 30- to 50-pound Chinook on a stunning river in a remote region of Patagonian Chile have echoed through the spey fishing community like seductive siren songs.

With phrases like “the perfect salmon river” or “the best Chinook fishing today” traded in hushed conversation, the destination has assumed the aura of a modern day salmon fishing paradise. Could the rumors and speculation actually be true?

After an exploratory season and one full client season, the answer is a definitive YES! With a legitimate chance to hook a bright salmon over 50 pounds on practically any well executed cast, this fishery is absolutely not a fantasy.

To bring this opportunity to you, Salmon Junkies has signed a long-term contract with the landowner of Austral Lodge. Situated on the river’s tidal reach, this charming Chilean-style facility is positioned perfectly to take advantage of each tide’s bounty of kings.

Our exclusive fishing program — available to only four rods weekly in the capable and experienced hands of two North American guides — will focus on the river’s lower 40 kilometers where primary resting and holding pools provide optimum water for targeting these magnificent salmon at their fresh-from-sea best.

We invite you to join us for 2018 and beyond at what we believe could truly be one of the world’s last great venues to swing flies for trophy salmon. But do come prepared. These very real and rugged Austral kings will test your angling skill, as well as every element of your tackle.

No, it won’t be easy — such glories never are. But, yes, here you could very well reach the summit of your angling life. Indeed, we believe we are offering passage to a magical land…

Welcome to Valley of the Kings, where legend becomes reality, where salmon dreams come true.



10 Images from Steffen Juhl - COPYRIGHT - Borrowed after permission from Steffen Juhl


Finn Nielsen