Fluer til Em åen og Mörrums åen - Brian P. Størup
Fluer bundet på Pro Fly Tube System til de to svenske elve
Billederne af fluerne er krydret med lidt billeder fra fangster i de to svenske elve.

Sunburst, Fierry Brown and Black Fox. Dubbing Dark X-mas Tree Angel dub "Em Blue" - Light Dressed. Fantastic fly in the morning.

Grey Heron dyed Hot Orange, makes Burnt Orange. "Burnt Orange" Bumler - Thanks to Bastrup for the inspiration, we now it catch fish
If you don´t have Heron, use Ringneck rumpfeathers. Dubbing is Angel Dub PMD Gold
If you don´t have Heron, use Ringneck rumpfeathers. Dubbing is Angel Dub PMD Gold

About 9 kg Catch & Release. "Burnt Orange" with Butt Cone Here i got a salmon on 75 cm Catch & Realease

Again a very simple fly. This one is Rabbit Easy Rabbit "BG" 2010 - This fly just catch fish.....

Almost no materials... For ving you can use Shadowfox bodyskin, Red Fox body skin, "Burnt Orange" NW - A very simple fly... Only 2.5 cm long
Rabbit or Rat. Dyed Burnt Orange. The dubbing is Angel dub Rusty Olive/Black.
If you want a some weight on the fly, use the bullet weight or a conehead in the back.
Rabbit or Rat. Dyed Burnt Orange. The dubbing is Angel dub Rusty Olive/Black.
If you want a some weight on the fly, use the bullet weight or a conehead in the back.

Big Seatrout on a "Sok", River Em Catch & Release salmon on 8-9 kilo at River Em

Again.. Simple. Ringneck Rump feathers. Big Red Hen feather. Black/Blue/purple dub. You got to have a sok..
This one is for Seatrout when its cloudy. But of cause the salmon likes it to
Billeder og tekst af Brian P. Størup