Spændende rør med glitter til rørfluer
Derudover spændende produkter fra Future Fly

Future Fly produkter

Tubes with Glitter, FutureFly and EU manufacture,
are proud to bring these tubes on the market..
Never seen before!!
are proud to bring these tubes on the market..
Never seen before!!

Not the best picture, you don´t see the ditails rigth...
But this is the coolest Tubes i have ever seen:-) We realy nailed it!!
- Fl. Orange with Holo Glitter
- Fl. Green with Silver Glitter
- Fl.Red with Silver Gitter
- Clear with Blue Glitter
- Clear with Red Glitter
- Clear with Gold Glitter
Also we now have 3 mm Tubes in "Glow in Dark" in 4 version.
Fl. Green "Glow In Dark" is realy realy cool:-)

Tekst og foto: Brian Størup, Future Fly