FutureFly - Julekalender med fluer - Christmas Calendar with Flies
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Merry Christmas everyone, and thanks for following our 24 December inspirations - Bran Størup, FutureFly
24. December - 2017
When it´s Christmas and you only have 3 min.
Watch here.
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23. December -2017
The Yellow Zonker, one of the best flies in my flybox this year for the Danish Salmon.
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22. December - 2017
The Slim Blue & Silver.
Can you say Seatrout by Night...
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21. December - 2017
The Golden Plug Frances tied by Kim Sørensen
Watch Kim tie it here
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20. December - 2017
Kim Sørensen is tying a great Lawson with a muddler head.
Thanks for the inspiration
Watch Kim tie it here
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19. December - 2017
Em Purple
It´s one of the best flies i have in my box for spring fishing after seatrouts in the Rivers in Southern Sweden.
The fresh seatrouts coming up from the sea love it.
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18. December - 2017
The Bloody Butcher is just a great fly
Hope you like it, watch me tie it here
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17. December - 2017
Here is 5min Zonkray.
It works everywhere.
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16. December - 2017
This is my version of the Phatakorva.
We used it the first time with Ondatra,
Muskrat many years ago in River Em in the spring, and it has been in the flybox ever since
Fantastisk udgave af denne flue - den bedste set længe - der er ikke noget materiale som Ondatra
Finn Nielsen - Lystfisker-liv-dk
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15. December - 2017
This fly is inspired by Torben Pedersen, he got 7 seatrout yesterday on the coast.
This fly will be wet next week.
And hopefully the seatrouts will love it
See my version here
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14. December - 2017
This fly is inspired by Torben Bastrup.
He is catching a lot of Danish salmon on this one.
He got a very nice cock salmon on 105 cm this autumn in River Skjern on this fly.
See my version here....
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13. December - 2017
This is a popular Rabbit Zonker in the Danish salmon rivers.
Watch me tie it here.
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12. December - 2017
Try this GH variant on a sunny day in the beginning of the season.
It´s simple to tie.
Watch me tie it on our youtube channel - Brian Størup
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11. December - 2017
This fly is inspired by the Swedish fly The Usual.
Hope you like it..
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10. December - 2017
This is the Autumn MV - Great colours in the Autumn in many rivers.
In smal sizes it will be deadly in River Em in Sweden
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9. December - 2017
The Chubby Monkey is inspired by all the Dee Monkey´s out there.
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8. December - 2017
Silver Rat is a classic pattern.
I used Nutria in the wing.
This is a fly i will use in sunny days with claer water.
Also in the first light in the mornings..
Hope you like my version of the Silver Rat
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7. December - 2017
The Black & Silver is a classic pattern.
Here it is with a Zonker wing of American Opossum.
See me tie it on youtube.
Hope you will get inspired
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6. december - 2017
Inspiration is inspired by my best friend Torben Bastrup.
The BG Fly.
First he used it was in River Em, Autumn 2013, 2 seatrouts in 1hour.
And after that, this fly is always in our fly box
He is amazing flytyer (Finn Nielsen - Lystfisker-liv.dk)
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5. december -2017
Inspiration.. This fly is inspired by Kalle Svensson, GL PowerTeam.
Not as pretty as he can tie it, but it´s a good pattern.
We caught pikes in sweden last week on this one, a black version gave the most...
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4. december - 2017
Inspiration.. It´s not pretty, but deadly!
The Nutria Fly is the perfect fly when the water i low and warm.
Inspired by the many lightdressed salmon flies the Finnish flyfishermen are using...
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3. december - 2017
3. december is here, and today´s inspiration is a simple pikefly.
We just came home from a few days of fishing for pikes in sweden, and this fly worked well..
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2. december - 2017
Today´s inspiration is a tiny fish for the Seatrouts on the coast.
This colour is a dangerous colour in the autumn, and with the Fluo Orange throut the seatrouts just go crazy.. Sometimes.
Have a nice 2.December.
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1. december - 2017
The first inspiration in our "24 Inspirations"
This fly is inspired my Kasper Røjsmose, i realy like the colour combi. Hope you will get inspired too...
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